Wavy network, Inc.

Create And Sell Your Music Rights On The Blockchain



Wavy Network exists to help musicians sell sync licenses on the blockchain and secure proper credit for their work on social media platforms while assisting fans in purchasing music rights to avoid copyright infringement claims.

Ethereum Project
Gradient Blur Hot Pink Oval Illustration

small and independent artist or Record labels

Dollar Icon Design
Bitcoin Icon Design

Wavy Network provides instant and direct hard sales to music owners through web 3.0 wallets. Using the blockchain alleviates the time it takes to resolve hundreds of claims.

Men in Makeup and Stylish Outfit
Man Playing a Chord
Woman in Oversized Black Leather Jacket and Shirt
Gradient Blur Hot Pink Oval Illustration

We're here to support Content creators too

  • Instant transaction confirmation on the blockchain.
  • Quickly resolve copyright infringement claims and avoid takedowns.
  • No monthly membership fees for websites that have acquired hundreds of licenses

How it works

Link Music Rights To Your Web3 Wallet!

search bar element

Search Artist / Music

NFT - Sports Cards
Textured black backround
Music Artist Icon
NFT - Sports Cards
Textured black backround
Music Artist Icon
NFT - Sports Cards
Textured black backround
Music Artist Icon

Upload Music

Create an account & upload your music.

Smart Contracts & Sync License

Price your music so Fans, content creators and DJ's can purchase the rights on the blockchain.

Social Media Platforms

If a song is detected, a search can be performed on our smart contract to verify if the connected wallet has the rights to use the detected song.


Can I assign a rights to multiple wallets that I own?

No, each music right will be associated to one wallet address. Make sure this wallet is the one you are using with our Metaverse partners.

Is the rights holders name listed on the blockchain?

No, the only identifiable information is the public wallet address. We want to be in compliance with global privacy laws and will not publish any names to the blockchain.

After purchasing can the songs be used on YouTube videos, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, & other online platforms?

Our goal is to have these sites recognize our smart contracts after their web 3.0 integration. Once recognized, if a song is detected on a users content or live stream using an audio matching algorithm, a query to our smart contract using the users wallet address can be done before removing audio on the video, issuing any claims or takedown's to their users content.

technology icon
technology icon

wavy network, inc.

let's hear from you

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